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M2K Cinemas

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E-13/29, Ist Floor, Harsha Bhawan, Connaught Circus, New Delhi - 110001

M2K, founded on a vision which seeks to usher in a better tomorrow by providing people with improved lifestyles and living standards. Over the years, M2K has build a rock solid foundation in the field of Infrastructure, Real Estate, Multiplexes and Biotechnology and is firmly committed in providing excellence in everything it does. M2K firmly believes that it is uniquely positioned to serve the increased need for excellence in real estate. The group derives core competency from the sound financial position, technological superiority and resource base to undertake infrastructure development projects in a multi-location environment. M2K is creating some of the most path-breaking projects with a view to redefine industry standards as well as to take people’s aspirations to greater heights. Our projects are distinguished by their high quality and innovative designs to create an ideal living and working environment. M2K has designed solutions that combine high-end technology, design and aesthetics and meet customer aspirations and expectations through superior standards of performance and services. M2K takes pride in being an Infrastructure company that is successfully moving towards turning the dreams of millions into reality....

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