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Skills For Life Foundation

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4th Floor, Rectangle No.1, Commercial Complex D4, Near Marriot Hotel, Saket, New Delhi, Delhi - 110017

At Skills for Life Foundation we firmly believe that each individual has the potential to rise to the highest level of Excellence ( Zenith ) in any chosen field, irrespective of an individual's current Personality Traits & Beliefs. Parents always desire to see their child grow as an extraordinary individual with strong Personality and Character. But to actually see those qualities in their children they wonder how these qualities can be developed and inculcated. We believe just like one can learn to ride a bicycle, learn music, train a muscle, drive a car, excel in academics so can one learn to be a master in Relationships, be an individual of Character, Integrity, Self Belief, Responsibility, Compassion, Confidence, Leadership or for that matter inculcate just any personality trait one wishes for. The key is that it if the opportunity to do so is provided at the right age. Through Zenith Leadership Programs for Young People we are fulfilling our vision to empower Young People with all those Leadership qualities which shape them to become admired and powerful individuals in any circumstance and any walk of life. By Leadership we mean to lead Self before leading the world, explore the extraordinary inner resources and embark on a journey of Self Development. At Zenith Leadership Programs, we have a dedicated team of highly committed people. Bringing in the expertise and years of experience blended with the energy of youthful Life Coaches to deliver these programs, Zenith Leadership Programs is just a dream come true for parents looking for a platform to witness the unexplored areas of excellence and untapped inner resources of their children. Over the years hundreds of young people and parents have witnessed the Power and Effectiveness of Zenith Leadership Programs in their lives. This can be gauged through the Testimonials & by hearing out to the parents and participants in the Videos posted on this website....

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