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Tower 11, North Close, Nirvana Country, Gurgaon, Haryana - 122012

We are an educational services company committed to quality, career-focused learning and led by passionate professionals who inspire individual worth and achievement. We craft and deliver career oriented courses to a diverse student population pursuing various disciplines at university level. CareerEd (India) continues to show commitment in career education, personalized learning technologies and dedicated instructors, which allow students to more efficiently move toward earning the training certificate for knowledge they can demonstrate. CareerEd (India) is committed to providing high-quality education that closes the gap between learners who seek to advance their careers and employers needing a qualified workforce. We are not part of the run of the mill mass-producing coaching industry. We specialize in career management and have long roots in the industries we provide courses for. Ongoing consultation with specialists and professionals is part of our ongoing commitment to our vision to see our every student succeed....

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