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Hotel Sarthak

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Hotels in Travel


37, Malviya Nagar, New Market, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh - 462003

"Welcome to Hotel Sarthak, your home away from home, where the ancient Indian tradition of treating a guest like a Spiritual Master carries on in an atmosphere of homely warmth and friendliness. Our friendly and courteous hospitality will make your stay most enjoyable and memorable. Sarthak is located in the heart of the city, New Market, just 10 minute away from Bhopal station and Habibganj station. It is less than 5 minutes away from most of the corporate, commercial and bureaucratic centers, and walking distance from the main shopping area. For the business or leisure traveler on a budget, Sarthak is definitely the first choice for the business or leisure traveler on a budget....

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Malviya Nagar, Bhopal
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