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Hotel Sparkling Pearl

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Near CIDCO Bus Stand, Close to Fame Cinemas, Jalgaon Road, Aurangabad, Maharashtra - 431003

We gladly welcome you to Hotel Sparkling Pearl, Aurangabad. Experience and share the unique hospitality of Indian home stay - an experience that's Royal altogether. Our hotel came into existence in the year 1990 with the name of Caves Land. Since then we have been serving to our valuable customers. With the present scenario and customer needs, we have restructured the hotel and named it “Sparkling Pearl” followed with “China Town” multi cuisine restaurant. Located in the heart of the city, Sparkling Pearl mirrors and manifests a synthesis of city's grace and style. Luxury and economy is the keynote of our hotel, keeping in mind the budget of the frequent travellers. Equipped with the latest facilities, it is the preferred place for the guests visiting Aurangabad for business and personal needs. ...

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Jalgaon Road, Aurangabad
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