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Lemon Eye - The Family Salon & Spa

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Salon in Health & Beauty


107, Saman-2, Prahlad Nagar , Ahmedabad, Gujarat-380015

LEMONEYE THE FAMILY SALON & SPA offering a unique mix of professional Hair & Skin services under one roof for Whole Family, offering clear-cut style and clear-cut values to people looking for a trend setting hair-cut, latest colour techniques, styling concepts and beauty services.The area is spacious, minimalist, functionally well planned and smells delightful. Stylists, each with their own unique style and edge showers you with personalized attention, all adding up to the most exceedingly satisfactory of services. A glorious selection of the finest Hair Services and Spa therapies, complete the experience and furthermore being accessible from almost anywhere. Great service and good taste - are the factors that really matter and LEMONEYE has a true excess of both. Above all, the latest innovations from L'Oreal Professional for Hair Care products tailored to your specific needs. Getting good beauty advice means we can make the right choices about what suits us as individuals. To us, all who place themselves in our hands deserves the best customer service and expertise. We can give, never losing sight of addressing your unique personal requirements. ...

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