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Royal Technosoft

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232, 234, 241 Kalpana Complex, Near Memnagar Fire Station, Vijay Cross Road, Ahmedabad, Gujarat-380009

Royal is a full Service Education and IT group that is ideal for all student groups aspiring IT, Management & Commerce streams. Royal group has gone beyond conventional methodology to encourage students achieve their career goals.The philosophy of Royal is simple but effective. Royal seeks new solutions to old problems and applies its touch in a manner that is consistent and bold to get its students potential and identity noticed which would enable them to immediately pursue a profession upon graduation.Royal has also designed a tailor made module, for both IT as well as Non IT background students that enable the aspirants to attain technical IT knowledge and shine out with 100% job placement assurance.Royal also provides trainings to professionals to get them on the radar and keep them on the radar, to lead them towards continuous progress in this competitive world.Royal believes that genuine appreciation leads performers to the maxim of their potential and to strengthen this philosophy, Royal provides scholarships and credentials to its best performers. Royal also conducts motivational seminars from time to time for the up gradation and grooming of the students....

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