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Dudubu, A Business Unit Of IPay Tech India Pvt Ltd, IPay House, Plot No. 61, Nagarjuna Hills, Punjagutta, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh - 500082

Want to know who we are? We are Dudubu, a business unit of IPay Tech India Pvt. Ltd. And our focus is to create an innovative channel that can deliver more for less to the Indian consumer. We don't just make the process of recharging , ticket booking and bill payment convenient, we make it rewarding, by way of Dudubu Cash and discount coupons. Today, we help customers recharge their prepaid mobile phones, DTH connections, data cards, book bus tickets, pay postpaid mobile and other utility bills like electricity, water, etc.. but wait and watch what we get into next. Whatever it is, we promise to make it just as rewarding! Wait, we know what you're thinking - How is this rewarding? Is all this really free? Well, for every recharge done on Dudubu, we give you Dudubu Cash , which can be used when you recharge next time on our site. We also give you option to select discount coupons from top food joints and popular retailers. Use these coupons to save money when you eat out, watch movies, book travel tickets, shop online, visit a salon, go gaming, pick up books, music, groceries, and live a rewarding life....

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